I'm on my fifth day and today was the best day of them all. I don't feel any pain, just pressure, and I'm able to sleep on my side. Oh, when I reached to take my vicodin, I realized it had fallen into my iced tea. It sat in there and the tea got into the bottle. All the vicodin had melted and the entire bottle was full of white liquified pain killers :/ So I called the doctor's cell phone and she will refill them in the morning. Right now I'm on 2 motrins! We'll see how I feel a little later... I'm so bored I've been snipping away at my split ends. Blah! Well, I see my doctor tomorrow for a bandage change. I'll take pictures!
I didn't have any issues with medication this time, but when I had my ankle surgery I had to change narcotics and with the laws here you have to have the prescription in hand and i was two days without it the way it worked out! it was the worst two days of my life at that time. My doctor has actually changed his surgery days because of me so this didn't happen to anyone else.