Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Depression and Anxiety After Surgery

Being home bound and helpless took a toll on me at some points. When you have nothing but time on your hands and you're staring at your wounds, your mind can go to the weirdest places. Was my doctor the right choice? Did she botch my procedure? Why do my incisions look this way? I had a crying fit when I first saw my feet, I was completely panicked. I felt foolish for going through with the procedure. This blog has been great for those moments. I was also surprised by the comfort I found in Geena's blog and would get excited to see that someone wrote to me. That's why it's so great to have people writing about their experience. Readers (like me 2 years ago!) can relax when they see that they can relate!


  1. Hi there, Thanks for blogging this. I have a question. I had hammertoe surgery on 2 toes over 20 years ago. One had a pin and the other just had a tendon release and I don't remember much pain or problems.

    But last nov. 2011 I had a hammertoe surgery done on my other foot, 4th toe. Now, almost 5 months later, the toe is not only still swollen, but since the bone didn't knit, it is forming scar tissue (which they say is in about 50% of cases). BUT it is still quite painful to walk. I do walk and I'll endure about 1 or 2 hours of hiking since I love to hike, but it hurts each step. I just don't remember all this taking so long.

    Curious if this jives somewhat with your healing trajectory? One dr. says it will probably take another 5 slow months of gradually reduced pain and swelling. Another dr. says just take the bone out that hurts another words, take the tip of the toe off!

  2. I soooo appreciate your blog about this! Last Friday my dr and I decided to go forward with surgery - just my right foot, 2nd and 3rd toe will be pinned and pinky that bends so drastically will get its middle bone removed and then splinted more or less with bandages. The surgery is 12/19. I'm a nervous wreck about it, but i have an impacted nerve (that we tried to deaden with a series of painful shots over several weeks-which helped a lot but not enough) that kills me when I walk barefoot... which I like to do a lot especially with all the time I spend at the pool. I can already see these panicky days and horrible cabin fever ahead and the crazy places my mind certainly WILL go. But after walking around all gimpy all last summer and then experiencing the massive pains in my back from gimping about in pain- well I really don't want that ever again. My Dr says we don't really know exactly what's causing the pain, and if the nerve looks swollen he'll remove it. SOOOO i suppose there's a chance that this surgery won't fix the initial problem. But I figure if the nerve deadening made such an improvement then probably the surgery will help a lot. ANyway I am babbling. THANK YOU again!!
