Sunday, February 14, 2010

After-Surgery Excercises: Toe Squats

My doctor asked me to excercise my toes my massaging the joints as well as mimicking picking up an item, such as a towel. But my toes are VERY uncomfortable on certain surfaces so I didn't bother. Well, today I accidentally stepped on bubble wrap, (as a result of yet another electronic from the boyfriend), and I really liked the feeling! So I decided bubblewrap would be my new excercise buddy. Here is what I do:

- Using bubble wrap with the EXTRA large bubbles, I try to grab the plastic. Not much grabbing happens, but it's just enough to bunch the plastic and work the joints without the joint pain. These are my toe squats! Ha!

PS: After 4 weeks my toes still feel very weak. I can tell the 2nd and 3rd toes are getting stronger (or stiffer) but my 4th toe (near the pinky) feels awfully dead. I'm going to pay extra attention to her. Just another reminder that this surgery, fantastic as it is, is NOT an easy quickie. But so far, other than my "Melancoly" post, I'm positive and have no regrets!

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