

First things first - PLEASE DISREGARD MY PEDICURE! I did it myself and it's terrible. But it helps show how short the toes are getting. Also, I'm aware that the before feet pic is pretty bad but I never saw a point in taking care of feet I hated lol I swear the rest of me is not gross like that!
The weirdest thing about my surgery is my toes just continue to shrink! Initially I didn't see more than a slight difference in my toe length but WOW, they get shorter everyday! Swelling will continue subsiding for months so things will only get better. Right now my toes don't even touch the floor, they float! Also, you'll notice a shineyness on my toes lol. It's the topical medication I use. It creates a water barrier and somehow makes em sparkley. They are still very bruised and the right foot still has a scab! It's been months! a scab still? That's crazy!
The left foot has a toe that is curved, but didn't have any bumps so I didn't include it in the surgery (the second to last baby toe). I have regrets about it but realistically, I know I wouldn't be able to walk at all if I did have it straightened. The same toe on the right foot has caused extreme walking problems since it's taking longer to heal and I still, 2 months in, walk with a limp. Especially at the end of the day. So the left foot looks less than perfect but I can live with it. It also doesn't feel "floppy" or disconnected from my body anymore. It's getting stiff and strong. And my toe bumps? gone!
Wow, this has been so extensive I never would have imagined but now that the results are starting to show through, I'm excited!
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