
Tomorrow will make 3 weeks since my surgery. I'm still pretty much bed bound but only so I can keep my feet elevated as much as possible to keep the swelling down. I saw my doctor yesterday and she explained everything she did, showed me xrays (they really show how short the toes have gotten, something I can't see through the swelling), and explained what things I might see in-and-around the wound especially what is normal (seeing some flesh in the wound) and what is not (pus). I felt immediate relief! Also, my incisions looks so much better today then they did 2 days ago. So it's not as scary. As of Sunday night I've been changing the bandages 2x's a day and wrapping the toes together with non-stickie stuff the doctor gave me.
The most discomfort is coming from the incision on the toe near the pinky. But that little toe looks the best. It is so straight, I never even thought it looked crooked but now, wow it looks amazing! Too bad I didn't have bumps on that toe on the left foot or I would have had straight matching toes! Now the left side has a crooked toe (but that toe doesn't have bumps so I didn't bother having surgery on it-surgery isn't to be taken lightly!). Let me take pictures so I can post them soon. Bye!
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